Transport for Ireland (TFI) are happy to support the AsIAm charity organisation with their new campaign “Prepare me …. as I am … for public transport” which aims to provide those with Autism with the correct tools for navigating public transport. The As I Am charitys purpose is to advocate for an inclusive society for autistic people that is accessible, accepting and affirming. They work to support the autistic community and their families to fully engage in Irish life and build the capacity of society to facilitate true inclusion.

1 in 65 people in Ireland are autistic and As I Am often uses the analogy of a crowded train station in a foreign country to portray how life can feel for many autistic people. With a series of unfamiliar sounds, smells and incomprehensible directions, it would be easy for anyone to become overwhelmed.

Prepare Me As I Am for Public Transport is an innovative social enterprise, creating multi-media resources to help build predictability, familiarity and peace-of-mind for autistic people, and to reassure families and supporters while preparing for a journey on the country’s expanding public transport network.

As I Am wish to provide those with Autism with the below resources for using public transport. For more information of Prepare Me As I Am please contact