Dublin has become the first Irish city to sign a commitment to meet the World Health Organization’s air quality guideline values by 2030, an achievement celebrated at today’s ‘Climate Brave’ conference in which the National Transport Authority (NTA) took part.

In a joint pledge, the Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin Cllr. Tom Brazabon, along with the Mayors/Cathaoirligh of the other three Dublin local authorities, signed up to the BreatheLife campaign, which calls on all Dubliners to be ‘climate brave’.

By signing the commitment, Dublin joins 76 cities, regions, and countries worldwide that have pledged to bring air quality to safe levels by 2030.

The NTA has consistently demonstrated its dedication to reducing the effects of climate change while also recognising that the transport sector is a large consumer of energy and, as a result, is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Therefore, the NTA taken many steps toward making Ireland’s public transport more environmentally sustainable, including the promotion of cycling and walking, shifting to hydrogen and hybrid diesel-electric buses, and making existing public transport services more efficient and attractive to the general public.

Anne Graham, CEO of the NTA, spoke at the conference and said:

“We take our role and responsibility in reducing the effects of climate change very seriously at the NTA.

Being climate brave means taking bold steps towards a carbon-neutral future, and we strive every day to redefine the transport sector’s role in the lives of Irish people by making public transport the norm.

Through better land-use and transport planning, we aim to bring public transport methods to as many people as possible in order to reduce the need for personal vehicles which are harmful to the environment.

The World Health Organization states that 92% of people around the world breathe air quality which falls short of the recommended guidelines, but together we can shift attitudes toward more sustainable methods of movement, and by doing so we can make the quality of the air we breathe healthier for everyone.”

Anne’s presentation is available to view here.