Travelling by taxi or hackney this festive season? Here are some helpful hints to keep you moving:
- Plan ahead: The festive season is particularly busy for all public transport. Check out the bus, train and Luas late-night services over the holiday period here . If you choose to travel by taxi or hackney, be sure to book ahead if you can.
- Maximum fares: Travelling by hackney? Don’t forget to agree your fare beforehand. Travelling by taxi? The taximeter shows the maximum taxi fare payable (apart from tolls). To get a cost range for a journey, check out the TFI Taxi Fare Estimator here.
- Extra fees: If you choose to book your taxi on an App, you may be charged separate fees for using that booking service. Shop around to get the best value!
- Cash or Card? The choice is yours! All taxi drivers must take card payments (with no extra charges).
- Receipts: Be sure to ask for your taxi receipt and look before you tap.
- Safety: All taxis have authorised ‘Taxi/Tacsaí’ roof and door signage. Download the free, real-time TFI Driver Check App to check your hackney or taxi driver is who they say they are and is fully licenced, and to share your journey information with a friend.

For the latest news on transport updates, check out the Transport for Ireland website.